Live ephemeral animation demo

We won’t be doing a stream today due to Memorial Day, but our next stream is so important I’m announcing it early! On 4pm EST Tuesday June 7th I’ll begin an ephemeral animation demo. I’m going to animate that alien rabbit on stream, in real time, showing exactly how I’d approach animating a shot with the ephemeral system! Come join us at!

I get a lot of questions like “how can you actually animate a whole shots this way?” This stream should answer those questions!

And here’s the last stream, showing the setup for the rig I’ll be using for the animation demo:

This one wasn’t our most approachable stream—the ephemeral system doesn’t yet have any UI for setting up rigs, just animating them, so you see me using a lot of Python and without much visual feedback on what the system is actually doing. But animating with the ephemeral system is quite intuitive, and rigging should be soon too—we just have to turn our attention to UI. You’ll get to see what animating with it is like on the 7th!